Wednesday, April 30, 2008


hey guys, i started 4days back .. daamm.. here are two versions of it.. which i did after suggestion n crits from Naveen, Sudip and Prateek. Got wonderful crit from Naveen. Kudos!!
Havent posted these on any of the forums, will do now. Take a look and let me know wat u think. Is the weight of the ball constant now?? Or is it becoming floaty somewhere?
here's the first version:

obstacle from arien1986 on Vimeo.

here's the AVI

And here the version with the corrected jump at the top and wit a slower blast off of the ramp:

obstacle 2 from arien1986 on Vimeo.

here's the AVI

Here's an Update :::
Got crits and suggestion from Naveen and Friends, and worked on it more, m uploading it over here instead of creating a new post.

Untitled from arien1986 on Vimeo.
here's the AVI
let me know what u think..
thanks a lot..

Let me know wat u think..
thanks a lot.