Friday, May 2, 2008


hey all.. this is what i am doing at the moment..working on the hops at the moment.. i went pretty much straight ahead on this..n then saw the timing was totally wrong.. so i had to make quite a few changes.. i need to get a perfect blend of straight ahead and pose to pose.. anyways here's the video.. the actual plan is for the character to go out off the screen.. will do that once i am satisfied with the movement till this part..
take a look..

squirrel from arien1986 on Vimeo.
here's the AVI

this isnt the first attempt though, i got valuable crits from Prateek and Naveen

ooh n yea one more the thing.. wat do u think the character is doing? let me know.. wanna see if i am being able to convey the message i want or not..leave a comment.. that would b helpful..

P.S. Naveen got his blog ready.check it out.The link is on the right side.

Here's an update dated 3rd May..

squirrel got weight.. from arien1986 on Vimeo.

And the AVI.
i played around with the squirrel and completed the action of the action of the body.. got awesome support from Naveen..mades changes in all the jumps..added frames to the second jump to slow it down a bit..add squash and stretch to all the jumps..understood quite a few things and about weight..cleared a few doubts in my mind aswell..worked on the end aswell..kept it pretty simple in the end..Thanks to Mr. Stephen Gregory for writing abt Strobbing..And especially to Mr. Cameroon Fielding for the nifty little article n melscript on taping the timing..saved a lot of time n energy..
thanks a lot..

NEWSFLASH... UPDATE...DATED 5th MAY..Ive been trying to add a tail to this fellow.. at the moment.. it looks like a my squirrel's genes came from a feline.. a panther or leopard or a cat!!! hehe.. the tail is moving like a cat.. so m hunting for some reference..n luckily i just hit jackpot..all this while i was going thru live reference.. now ive found scraty SCRAT.. here the vid that m using as reference..SCRAT Music Video Just the stuff that i was looking for.. going thru it frame by frame reveals interesting movement..lets see wat i can do.. will finish this bad boy before midnyt..n get to SIDE STEP.. wooo hoooo...
till then.. sayonara..
over and out

Adding a tail to my Scrat was a painful task..and maintaining the weight of the tail even more difficult..the two youtube videos helped a lot..but i still havent been able to finish it..the frames where he makes those 3 hopes to gain momentum, is something that is making me go the moment i hav done till he lands after the big jump..the weight is constantly changin..i feel i sud get my mind on other animation while i work on it inbetween..coz i need to start the side step now.. so for the time being ill start the sidestep with good ol Lt. Dan..n then, hopefully, ill come back to my Scrat.till then peace out.
P.S. Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs is set to release on the 4th of July next year.. yay!!!



Prasad said...

Great blog you have here...and yes going great with your animations...I have seen these animations at 11secondclub...but till now i don't have any account was not able to comment...but ya, looks nice..lot's of luck..have a nice life ahead...i will be regular visitor to your blog..promise ! :-)

Chetan Trivedi said...

hey thanks a lot.. for checkin in..
waiting for ur blog.. lemme know as soon as its up..
thanks a lot!!!
keep rocking!!

Prasad said...

i already have a blog..and you have seen it before, right !...if not just click my name next to this comment and you can see my blog name...animation works are not yet updated though...but i will update them this month...will be needing your suggestions then...

Chetan Trivedi said...

hehe.. ull need my suggestion... haahaa.. hmm will definetly ryt wat i feel like.. ryt or wrong.. in both the ways, ill get to learn.. keep an rss feed if u can manage the coding..
thanks a ton..

Prasad said...

ok i saw the animation in qt...and here's what i can squash the ball one frame after it touches the it looks like it squashes before it touches the ground..if you are fixed with's probably the end we are making an illusion right, but do try adding that particular inbetween..and see what happens..if it's hurting the whole timing etc..just forget about it...

...when the ball jumps over the wall you may want to anticipate more by squashing more, and rotating slightly in the direction it is going to jump...

...this is just what i are getting tips from more expert follow what they say...lot's of luck..keep animating !

..and ya, i have subscribed to your blog :-)