Thursday, March 5, 2009

recent stuff

sorry for the lack of post, my good ol blog. daddy back now, to take care of u.
here are some of the stuff i did in the last few weeks.

hadnt done a biped jump so i jumped into one. dis here is the flipbook version. After startin this in maya, I learnt a cool lesson from Amrit. Its a pretty old n simple sayin.. its called Keep It Simple Stupid!! i dont think it cud hav been said in a better manner.

will upload the blocking plus that i did, some other time tho.
anyways, after the ingenious lesson, re blocked the jump..
here it is..

Jump from arien1986 on Vimeo.

the bad boy hasnt been splined yet coz he needs a few more changes.
learnt lotsa cool stuff while doin this n from lotsa cool animators.
so here's the short list of dudes i wanna say thanx to
Amrit, Prash, Nanda, Ratul, Naveen, Sumit, Ranbir, Atsushi, Christian, Prasad n Amar.
i hope i didnt left anyone out. sorry if i did.

oh yeah i did a baseball pitch in flipbook but its unfinished and too realistic to my liking, maybe ill upload it later.

did a full body walk wit Moom.. neat rig. Love It. will upload in some other post.

doin a run cycle ryt now.
here's the blockin from the side view:

leave a crit or a comment or a suggestion if u feel like.
thanx for droping by.