Friday, November 14, 2008

Uve been Splined!!

phew.. back from the trip.. which trip?
the trip to the noodle island off the Mayan Coast..
had visa problems so got stuck.
anyways, enough of the rant
here's the sack..

floursack GE'ed!! from arien1986 on Vimeo.


lemme know wat u think.


Nate Lane said...

Sweet man I like it :). Some nice little things in there that make it that much better.

Keep it at!

Chetan Trivedi said...

hey thanks for dropping by Nate..
watchya upto?
no updates on ur blog!!
someone's busy huh..

Prasad said...

sweet stuff ...loved it ! ...this is what i was talking about settle ...i mean i never said that it is wrong 'animatically' ...why you want to settle or end in that particular way ...i mean it looks like suddenly you have taken control of the character ...till it jumps on the other block, it is thinking for it-self and during settle you are thinking for it ...hope you get what am trying to say ...whatever, animation is cool ! ...and sorry for being late ...lage raho !