Wednesday, October 15, 2008

time to move on?

here's how the turn looks at the moment...
just wondering if i sud continue working on it or start a new exercise..coz there are a few things that Amrit n Prash pointed out are still left to be fixed..
its been an awesome time..two months, learned loads n loads of stuff from Amrit, Prash n Vinod.
so here's the thing that goin on in my mind,
option A> i continue fixing the hip n knee and then get on the spine.
option B> i start workin on the spine.
option C> i start a new exercise.
any ideas??

thanx dudes..
keep rocking..


Prasad said...

Hey man this is looking cool ! ... i remember seeing that clip at 11secondclub, where you have shown the upper part of body that i really liked curves, overlaps and all those things ...even though it was a w.i.p then i guess you should complete it for entire body, including hands and head ...frankly learners like us [hope u don't mind me calling you that :)] i guess loose mostly on hands sometimes becomes tricky what to do with hands maybe it will be great if you can pull on all this, especially when you have a great help guiding you ...lot's of luck !

Chetan Trivedi said...

hmmm.. was thinkin of atleast gettin the spine workin on this.. not sure abt if ill get into the hands.. as u know this is the first shot at spine..
wen i had planned this shot it was just another Lt. Dan exercise in my mind.. but then Amrit said i sud start workin on spines..
thanks for chiming in dude.. been a long time since we got together..come online on yahoo.. man.
P.S. watchya doin dese days?