Friday, July 11, 2008

what i've been upto..

its been a while since i posted.. huh... lazy mee.. didnt hit the GE on the walk yet.. n m glad i didnt.. coz Moush took a look at it n found a bug..woohoo... she was so helpful she had a long conversation wit me.. on lotsa stuff.. n solved quite a few of my problems.. she gave me suggestions n corrections on 3 of my exercises :D.. one being the vanilla , the other a side walk n the third one being the half filled balloon jump that i did for cgtantra.. hehe.. m glad she spoke to me.. the balloon looks much better now.. still a long way off but i think the weight's there.. n that was the main aim for me wit this exercise.. cudnt find an appropriate rig ..boy dat was a pain.. anyways.. here u go take a look at the balloony thingy..

lemme know wat u think abt it.. i underestimated this exercise.. thought ild finish it real quick.. m sure the walk n the sidestep wud look better aswell once i m done with these few stuff i hav in mind..
Had a conversation with Mr. Keyframe after a looooooong time... the dude's havin a hellova time.. Imagine meeting James Baxter.. glad that both Moush n Amrit thought that the aim i had set wit the balloony thingy is acheived n suggested i sud move on to the next exercise..
ooh dat reminds me here r the three exercises over at cgtantra given by Dj (the dude).. i plan to do all 3 of em in the month..although ill compete in level 2.. Dj gave sound advise before i started the challenge started.. n thats wat i have kept in mind so far..

Level one : Beginners. - includes concepts of timing/spacing and energy (squash and stretch, anticipation and settle). Topic : A squishy water baloon anticipating and jumping over a few objects before coming to a stop. That is, a squash and stretching ball jumping over a small cube, a cylinder, etc. Two jumps and settle. It has to anticipate, jump, continue the momentum for the second jump and settle. Rigs and scene will be provided.

Level two : Intermediate - Involves anticipation, basic body mechanics principles like balance, weight shift, overlap, etc. Topic : A guy doing two little single leg hops before stoping. That is, a guy will anticipate, hop twice (on one leg at a time) and then settle

Level three : involves showing weight, anticipation, force, etc. Virtually all the body mech jingle bells involved. This includes basics of constraints too. Topic ; A guy jumps from a platform, catches a pole above, swings and leaps in the air (using swinging motion for momentum), and then lands on a platform.

although the last time i touched the balloony thingy was on 8th.. ive been taking reference for the level 2 exercises.. drawing thumbs n yeaaa having fun.. most importantly.. just like Mr. Keyframe told me.. animation is about having fun.. if u arent having fun then how will others hav fun watching it?? i wanna do level 2 a showreel sorta piece so ill spend a lot of time wit it.. hav drawn thumbs on diff sorta hops but havnt thought abt which ones to go with.. lets see ..
ill spend more time wit level 2 than with level 3 coz level 2 is the first time ill b animating a character with spine n the first time ill hit the GE.. so ill give it the time it deserves..n then try for level 3..

the week has been such an experience.. learned so much abt animation... from the dude..Moush..Ratul, Prasad..looking forward to Mahesh's update n Asterias' aswell.. hope DJ joins the party real soooon.... wud b awesome.. also missing are the two idiots (:D) Ranbir n Naveen... both hav suffered the same old WinAttack..
I hope the learnin curve goes up n up from here on end.. N m sure it will coz i finally got my tablet ....YAY!!!!! hurray!!! so now i can pester Jason... will try to get into Keith'z VTS aswell.. wooohoooo.. business is picking up... :) at the moment m just goin thru some stick figure sketching.. had a word with Amrit abt the prob of Weight (or the lack of it) it my anims.. so the dude suggested that i sketch poses wit weights everyday, not only subtle thats wat m doin.. dat reminds me.. look at the length of this post.. who wud read it till here??


Prasad said...

i have read it till the end...he he..keep going...

Chetan Trivedi said...

so wat do we hav for the winner Johny!!1

yes u guessed it..
a 2days n 4 nyts trip to TODAALOO island wit Naveen..

enjoy ur stay!!

Mahesh Bisht said...

so u have full updated newz here Chetan newz.....

I like

Keep working hard...!!!
Best of Luck...


Mahesh Bisht said...

i also read till end...intresting..

24 hr Animation newz channel...hehhehelol

Chetan Trivedi said...

hehe.. hmm
so wat do we hav for the runner up Johnny...
since Naveen's gone.. u get Ratul..
1day n 3nyts wit Ratul on Island Paradiso...
on the hosue..
do come back..
just havin fun doodling..